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November Bill Ready Email

With our recent transition to a new system and updated customer portal, customers may have received a bill ready email for their November bill. If you have already paid your November bill, please disregard this email. If you have not paid your recent bill, please log on to to review your account balance. 


Step One of Four :

Understanding Your Bill
  • Step One
    Understanding Your Bill
  • Step Two
    Diagnosing Your Bill
  • Step Three
    Data Collection and Self-Testing
  • Step Four
    Site Visit Application
Time estimate: 5-10 minutes

Take a look at your bill to better understand the various components and charges. The amount due can be composed of different charges, one of them being the cost of your energy consumption. Consider the following while referring to the EWEB bill sample below:

  • Are you carrying a balance?
    The "Amount Due" on your bill is composed of the "Balance Forward" and "Current Charges." If you have a balance forward, your bill may include charges from more than your current billing period.

  • Are you looking at all the charges? 
    Your bill can carry charges for electricity, water, City of Eugene Wastewater and City of Eugene Stormwater. Reviewing the charges individually can help you better understand your usage and overall bill.

  • Is it a longer than usual billing period? 
    Under the 'Electric Detail" on your bill, it shows the current billing period. Billing cycles can vary in the number of days in the cycle. 

  • Have there been changes in the weather?
    You will also find the average temperature for the month under "Electric Detail." Changes in average temperature can affect your usage and bill.

  • Are there additional charges on your bill?
    A loan charge, late fee, deposit or other charge may also be present on your bill. 

  • Was your electric or water consumption estimated?
    Due to severe weather or other unsafe conditions, occasionally meter readers are unable to safely complete their assigned routes. When meter readers are not able to obtain an actual reading, EWEB uses historical usage patterns to estimate your usage for billing purposes.

    Estimated readings can be higher or lower than actual usage. If your electric or water usage seems unusually high, check your current bill and the bill from the previous month to see if either were estimated. Bills will self-correct in the billing cycle when the meter is read, ensuring you pay for the water and/or energy that you used, however it can result in a higher than typical bill.

    For example, if the estimated read is lower than actual usage the following month's bill may be higher than typical to account for the "true-up" process that occurs when your meter is read. On the other hand, if the estimated read is higher than actual usage the current bill may be higher than typical, but will correct the following month when your meter is read.

See a sample residential bill. 

Download PDF version of the Bill Self-Assessment.

Next Step