Happy National Drinking Water Week!
How lucky are we to have some of the cleanest, safest, best-tasting water in the world, right here in our community?
How lucky are we to have some of the cleanest, safest, best-tasting water in the world, right here in our community?
Carmen-Smith is a network of three dams and reservoirs and two power-generating plants located just a few miles downstream from the headwaters of the McKenzie River. EWEB recently submitted a modified Settlement Agreement that addresses the economic realities of the region’s energy markets, while honoring our original commitment to environmental and recreational enhancements at the project.
With the onset of the new growing season, spring is an optimal time to assess and promote the health of the trees on your property. The following tips may help you identify potential problems and protect your portion of Eugene’s urban forest.
The Arbor Day Foundation has recognized the Eugene Water & Electric Board for a ninth consecutive year for its commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care of the city’s trees.
Green Fleet has named EWEB’s Fleet Services the 14th Greenest Fleet in North America. It is the second time EWEB has been recognized through this awards program.