EWEB Recognized as One of the Healthiest Employers in the State and Nation
Eugene Water & Electric Board has been recognized as the third healthiest medium-sized employer in Oregon, and one of the healthiest 100 workplaces in America.
Eugene Water & Electric Board has been recognized as the third healthiest medium-sized employer in Oregon, and one of the healthiest 100 workplaces in America.
Three EWEB line crews on Tuesday marked their 15th straight day working to restore electric service to the thousands of people victimized by the Camp Fire that struck northern California on Nov. 8.
Eugene Water & Electric Board’s Run to Stay Warm, featuring a half-marathon, 10K, 5K and Kids’ 400-meter dash, is on Sunday, Nov. 18.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, where we enjoy abundant, low-cost hydroelectric power, EVs are a smart economic choice and an important piece of the region's move away from fossil fuels.
EWEB Commissioners will consider eliminating the second, higher-cost residential electric consumption tier and replacing it with a single flat price.