EWEB’s Largest Power Supplier Visits Eugene to Discuss Costs, Climate and Changing Energy Needs
At the March 3 public meeting, EWEB’s Board of Commissioners hosted Bonneville Power Administration’s Elliot Mainzer.
At the March 3 public meeting, EWEB’s Board of Commissioners hosted Bonneville Power Administration’s Elliot Mainzer.
Electrification is a term for replacing direct fossil fuel use (e.g., natural gas, heating oil, gasoline) with electricity in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
By year-end, nearly 7,000 households could receive the EWEB bill credit.
We know customers are facing unusual financial hardship due to COVID-19. On March 14 EWEB temporarily suspended disconnections for nonpayment and late fees.
In an effort to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, our Customer Service lobby will be closed to the public starting Tuesday, March 17. The lobby will remain closed until further notice, extended from the previous date of April 30.