April 03 2023

April 03, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

EWEB conducts annual High-Risk Fire Zone inspections

Crews are identifying and addressing equipment failures before wildfire season and doing so mitigates risk of fire ignition.

March 23 2023

March 23, 2023 Aaron Orlowski, EWEB Communications

Water use in summer more than twice as high as winter

EWEB customers use more than twice as much water in the hot, dry summer months, compared to the cold, rainy winter months. The higher summer water use can almost assuredly be attributed to customers watering their lawns and gardens.

March 22 2023

March 22, 2023 EWEB Communications Team

New water treatment trailer improves EWEB’s emergency response abilities

The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) is expanding its capacity to provide water to customers in case of an emergency.

March 16 2023

March 16, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

Ramping up on electric infrastructure investments

To maintain the reliability customers have come to know and trust, EWEB must address an aging infrastructure bubble.

March 02 2023

March 02, 2023 Rachael McDonald, EWEB Communication

EWEB pursues second water treatment plant to ensure resiliency

Eugene is one of the largest cities on the west coast with only a single source of drinking water, the McKenzie River. And though the McKenzie is a pure, reliable water source, EWEB will secure a second source ensure resiliency in the future, planning to build a water treatment plant on the Willamette River, upstream of Eugene and Springfield.