September 29 2022

September 29, 2022

EWEB teaches power line safety

EWEB’s electric safety trailer is an interactive tool for the public to learn how to react in a potentially dangerous situation.

September 19 2022

September 19, 2022 Rachael McDonald, EWEB Communications

Women in STEM: Meet the engineer behind Eugene’s newest water infrastructure project

Laura Farthing has been working for EWEB for the past 14 years. She’s the lead engineer on EWEB’s water storage construction project near E. 40th and Patterson St.

September 15 2022

September 15, 2022

Reviewing EWEB’s Sept. 9-11 Public Safety Power Shut-off

EWEB used the tactic of a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) for the first time to mitigate the risk of wildfires.

September 14 2022

September 14, 2022

Sheldon area neighbors come out for EWEB’s newest Emergency Water Station

EWEB held a grand opening event for our Emergency Water Station near the Sheldon Fire Station on Saturday, September 10. The site would supply drinking water for the neighborhood in the event of a catastrophic earthquake or other disaster that cut off water to customers.

August 01 2022

August 01, 2022

Pole Removal Project Along McKenzie Highway

This unique opportunity to reduce the infrastructure footprint and maintenance costs will also improve wildfire mitigation because less infrastructure means less chance of ignition or damage from a fire.