March 17 2023

March 17, 2023 Rachael McDonald, EWEB Communications

March 7 Board Meeting report

The EWEB Board of Commissioners meet on the first Tuesday of the month.

March 16 2023

March 16, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

Ramping up on electric infrastructure investments

To maintain the reliability customers have come to know and trust, EWEB must address an aging infrastructure bubble.

March 14 2023

March 14, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

State of Utility Address 2023

EWEB General Manager Frank Lawson delivered his annual State of the Utility Address at the March 7 public Board of Commissioners meeting.

February 23 2023

February 23, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

Deconstruction begins on Currin Substation near Garden Way and 105

For the past year, EWEB’s electric division has been preparing for a complete reconstruction of the Currin substation. Quite simply, it’s reached the end of its useful life.

February 13 2023

February 13, 2023 Rachael McDonald, EWEB Communications

February 7 Board of Commissioners Meeting Report

Collaborating with the City of Eugene, a Climate Guidebook, and priorities for upriver EWEB customers were the main topics at the Feb. 7 Board of Commissioners meeting. The five-member Board serves without pay and is elected by EWEB customers. Their job is to establish policies and values and set EWEB’s long-term direction. Board meetings are open to the public and include opportunities for public comment.