April 13 2023

April 13, 2023 Rachael McDonald, EWEB Communications

EWEB tree crews take care to avoid disturbing wildlife

It’s spring-- the time of year when birds are nesting in our trees. EWEB crews take special care to avoid disrupting birds when they’re trimming trees. But tree trimming is a necessary part of delivering safe and reliable power. We went out with a crew to find out how it's done.

April 05 2023

April 05, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

EWEB to replace aging College Hill Reservoir with new earthquake-proof storage tanks

Old reservoir leaks, threatening water quality, and will fail when a major earthquake strikes.

April 03 2023

April 03, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

EWEB conducts annual High-Risk Fire Zone inspections

Crews are identifying and addressing equipment failures before wildfire season and doing so mitigates risk of fire ignition.

March 22 2023

March 22, 2023 EWEB Communications Team

New water treatment trailer improves EWEB’s emergency response abilities

The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) is expanding its capacity to provide water to customers in case of an emergency.

March 17 2023

March 17, 2023 Rachael McDonald, EWEB Communications

March 7 Board Meeting report

The EWEB Board of Commissioners meet on the first Tuesday of the month.